Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Bunnies and Bran

What do rabbits eat in the dead of winter when there is lots of snow cover? There my 'pet' neighbourhood rabbit was munching on the dead crisp frozen leaves of my 'winter interest' plant.....Eupatorium! Now these plants grew ginormous this summer, close to 7 feet. Bunnie would have lots of food if only he was taller. And there I was having my breakfast watching this while munching on my bran buds.....hmmmmm similar crunchy dry food......except mine lasts all year! Lucky rabbit when the new shoots of grass.....who am I kidding?!....noses of tulips is more likely......begin to sprout for his change of diet.


Jennifer AKA keewee said...

Bunnies will eat anything. Someone told me, they would NOT eat lavender. Oh yes they do. All the parts of the lavender bushes which were poking through the fence, are now nicely sheered back.

Barbarapc said...

Is that Eupatorium Gateway - amazing height - mine tops out at about 5 feet. Our bunnies have been dispatched by Parker the enormous and well fed neighbourhood cat. Before Parker discovered how tasty they are, they ate my Carex - any and all varieties. Go figure.