This was no April Fool's trick. Today I was planting up my overwintered canna rhizomes and dahlia tubers outside. At this time of year we would still have snow on the ground and temperatures hovering around the freezing mark. Not this year!!
Winnipeg had a very mild winter and this spring continues that trend and hence a first in my gardening career. Normally I am restling with the peat moss and deteriorated paper bags that have kept them in my cold room over the winter with dirt and dust all over my basement potting area. Today this planting was mess anywhere except where it belongs, outside.
Still taking advantage of this gorgeous spring day, I pruned my Virginia creeper. I do this every few years and make a huge vine wreath with the trimmings. Now or in autumn is a good time to do so as the plant is very pliable and there are no leaves on it. After cutting I stretch the stems out on the lawn and then start making the circular wreath form. I begin with the thick stem portion and then near the end I take the thin stems and wind them around the circle to keep the wreath together. I leave it 'au naturel' but it can be decorated.
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